(Evigan, Juber, Ryan, Fox, Lomax) Album: Glory
“Man on the Moon” is a modern-day fairytale and Glory at its best. The song has Britney pining for her astronaut prince in this synth-heavy love-song over a beat reminiscent of Toto’s “Africa.” She sounds both wistful and hopeful as she casts her eyes skyward singing some of her most poetic lyrics: “Patience, darling, wait for the night/Darkness comes and love comes alive/I've been right here dreaming of you/Waiting for my man on the moon.” The French interlude leading to the song’s crescendo sends the final chorus soaring. The music video would have practically written itself. Alas, it would be one of the many Glory tracks to be passed over after the unjustly short two-single era came to an end.